Golden Penny Flour Mills Plc 2019 graduate trainee

Vacancy Details
Our Graduate Trainee Scheme is a 2-year intensive programme that introduces the trainees to hands-on roles and responsibilities. Training is broad based within our core businesses and functions, and delivered through class work, special projects, web learning, executive mentoring and exposure to business units, operations and functional areas.

The role cuts across Sales, Production and Technical Services. Successful candidates can over time progress within the Business Units across the group.


Not be more than 28 years old and must have completed NYSC by  March 2019.
Be result oriented and a good team player, with great appetite for fast-paced challenging assignments.
Possess good communication, organization skills and display initiative.
Be willing and able to move around Nigeria.

First Degree in any discipline.
Minimum of Second Class Honours (Upper Division)


FMN is an equal employment opportunity company and will under no circumstance request applicants to pay money or give any personal items of monetary value to our company or any agency.

                                    Click here to apply

Golden Penny Flour Mills Plc 2019 graduate trainee Golden Penny Flour Mills Plc 2019 graduate trainee Reviewed by Yakubu Abkr on 2/13/2019 11:33:00 AM Rating: 5

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