Here is what you need to know to access a MarketMoni loan (Not TraderMoni)

First, you must have a BVN

Next, you must belong to an accredited market association or cooperative registered in your state or with the CAC.

Third, your association or cooperative must indicate its interest in MarketMoni by submitting its information to BOI including its certificate of registration.
You may either visit, call 0700-CALL-BOI (which is 0700-225-5264), visit any BOI office in the country, or go through your assigned State Focal Person to register your cooperative’s interest in MarketMoni.
If your association or cooperative qualifies, a MarketMoni agent would be sent to your group promptly to capture your members for loan assessment.

Who can apply?
Members of an accredited market association, cooperative or trade group who have valid BVNs and whose business locations can be verified.

What is MarketMoni?
Loan from the Federal Government of Nigeria to help with your trade or small business.
Here is what you need to know to access a MarketMoni loan (Not TraderMoni) Here is what you need to know to access a MarketMoni loan (Not TraderMoni) Reviewed by Yakubu Abkr on 11/28/2018 11:58:00 AM Rating: 5

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